Oshino Hakkai Springs

Known as a symbol of purification and a national treasure, the Oshino Hakkai Spring is one of eight springs created by the meltwater pouring down from Mount Fuji. This water is filtered through the lava which creates purified and clear spring water which is cherished by locals.

Many locals flock to the ponds seeking to cleanse impurities in the spring water. The site is also frequented by many tourists seeking the same catharsis from the clean water. In 1985, the Oshino Hakkai Springs has been named a World Heritage Site along with Mount Fuji in 2013. The Oshino Hakkai Springs is a popular and meaningful site for pilgrimages.

Oshino Hakkai Springs

The Oshino Hakkai Springs Water

The water is so pure it was actually placed in the top 100 best waters of Japan. There is a designated pond where visitors are able to drink fresh water directly from the source and enjoy the refreshing cool spring water.The springs are open 24 hours a day making them easily accessible any time but are most enjoyable when there is daylight to take in the breathtaking nearby view of Mount Fuji. The pond can get quite busy with large crowds of tourists and locals.

Among the ponds, there is also an area filled with fish and aqua plantlife, making the experience feel almost aquarium-like given that visitors can admire the fish swimming in the ponds. The beauty of Oshino Hakkai Springs can be enjoyed year-round and the view changes based on the seasons, each season offering its own unique experience.

In the area surrounding Oshino Hakkai Springs, visitors can find a variety of restaurants, cafes, shops and various food vendors selling fresh produce, crafts, and sweets. There is also the Hannoki Bayashi Shiryokan, an open-air museum which houses traditional farmhouse tools and items as well as samurai armor and weaponry. To enter the museum there is a small entrance fee (open from 9:00-17:00).

Oshino Hakkai Springs

How to get to Oshino Hakkai Springs

To get to Oshino Hakkai Springs by bus there are several options via bus or train.

Getting to Oshino Hakkai Springs by bus

The first is to take the Chuo Expressway bus from Shinjuku then change at FujiQ Highland. Then take the Chuo Expressway bus to Oshino Hakkai. Another bus option from Tokyo station is to take the Express bus to Mount Fuji Station, once at the station change buses to the Fuji Kyuko Route Bus to Oshino Hakkai.

Getting to Oshino Hakkai Springs by train

Starting from the JR Tokyo Station, take the Odakyu line to Kozu station. From here take the train to JR Gotemba station. Once at Gotemba take the Fuji Kyuko Route Bus to Oshino Hakkai. Another option starting from Nagoya Station, take the Shinkansen to Mishima Station then the Fuji Route bus to Gotemba Station. From Gotemba take the Fuji Kyuko Route bus to Oshino Hakkai.

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